Meet Hello Mary – the killer New York trio of Helena Straight, Stella Wave, and Mikaela Oppenheimer – who are tearing up the indie rock scene. We had a chat about their inspirations, strange songwriting scenarios (ceiling collapse, anyone?), and how Spongebob would be the perfect xylophone player. Get ready for some laughs, some deep moments, and a whole lot of rock ‘n’ roll goodness.
What were your first impressions of each other when you met?
SW: When we met, I was 18, and they were 15. So, the age difference felt more dramatic than it does now. I thought they were shy and also very talented.
HS: I met Mikaela at age 12, and we became really fast friends. I thought she was cool and funny, obviously. When I first met Stella, she seemed way older and awesome, but I couldn’t imagine that we’d ever be as close as we are now because when you’re that young, a 4-year gap seems wild.
MO: My first impression of Helena was how weird and funny she was. My first impression of Stella was how cool and grown-up she seemed.
What’s the weirdest or most unexpected place you’ve found inspiration for a song? Like, did a particularly crunchy piece of toast spark a banger?
SW: One time, in my old apartment, I was taking a nap, and I woke up very suddenly to the sound of part of the ceiling falling apart and crashing to the floor (it was a very old building). So, I used that experience to inspire lyrics.
If you could have any fictional character join your band for a day, who would it be, and what instrument would they play?
SW: Spongebob, he would play xylophone.
HS: Agreed
MO: BMO from Adventure Time just being so cute doing anything.

What’s your go-to karaoke song, and who in the band secretly (or not-so-secretly) has a killer voice for it?
SW: I like singing ‘One Way or Another’ by Blondie. I feel like I do a fine job…
HS: I’ve never heard you sing that, but I bet it’s fine…
If each of you were a LEGO set, which set would you be and why? Bonus points for creativity!
MO: Def the big Hogwarts set
SW: Harry Potter lego set because I like HP.
Describe your band’s vibe in three emojis. Go!
HM: 3️⃣🤪🫶

Your upcoming album, ‘Emita Ox’, is described as experimental. Can you share a moment during the recording where you thought, “Whoa, we’ve got something special here”?
HS: Probably recording ‘Heavy Sleeper’ because it changed so drastically from the original arrangement of the song and became something very weird and beautiful.
SW: The day we were recording ‘Down My Life’ felt very special for me. We added this very eerie messed up sounding piano on this one section, among other production additions, and I felt like we were taking our music to a new, exciting place.
How do you balance the clash of thoughtful moments with the chaos in your music? Is it a deliberate process or more of a happy accident?
HM: We would say our songwriting process is mostly deliberate, especially on this newest record. There was a good bit of revision and arranging that happened before we even got into the studio, and more happened while we were recording. Having that balance is important to us, and we do what we see fit to accomplish that in the context of each song and the context of the album as a whole.
We love how you weave eclectic elements into your music and composition. Is there a genre you’re yet to explore that you’re itching to dive into? Disco polka, perhaps?
HS: Hmm.. I’m excited to further explore electronic stuff.
Your single ‘0%‘ has been getting loads of love from the New York Times and Rolling Stone. How does it feel to get such amazing feedback? Were there celebrations?
HM: We were on tour when 0% came out. We had a little celebration when the song came out, our tour manager got us a cake! We didn’t have a formal celebration for the love from publications but we were very excited about it.
Is there one song that translates differently live vs. on the record? Or one you’re most nervous to share?
SW: I am excited to share all of them. I feel like they all translate somewhat similarly live vs. on the record.
HS: I’m hoping we can pretty much play the songs the way they sound recorded. It’s been fun exploring how that can be done with only three people.
You’ve shared stages with some incredible bands. Were there any particularly notable moments or funny stories from those experiences?
SW: When we were playing ‘Knowing You,’ Brian from Silversun Pickups came out on stage and played the last part of the song with us. That was very fun and made the audience especially excited.
HS: The members of SSPU got us little gifts like every week on tour, which was extremely unexpected and unique.
You’re about to embark on your UK tour. What are you most excited to experience in the UK, both on and off the stage? Can I suggest some beans on toast?
HS: Literally excited about everything. I know there are gonna be moments of pure distress, but I feel like it’s mostly gonna be a movie 😜
MO: I’m so excited for beans on toast! I want to try all that UK food that looks gross. I bet it’s actually good.
SW: I’m looking forward to all of it! Having the opportunity to share our music with fans across the world is very surreal and exciting.

Touring with Silversun Pickups and hitting UK festivals must be a riot! Any pre-show rituals or superstitions you swear by to keep the nerves in check?
HS: If I’m really nervous, I’ll try to get us all together for a meditative second before we get on stage, but usually, we just get on in the middle of an unrelated conversation or laughing fit.
SW: We used to have more of a ritual, but the nerves kind of subside for me once we get in the groove of playing every night.
What’s the most unusual or hilarious thing you’ve asked for on a tour rider? Did anyone actually fulfil it?
HM: We haven’t really asked for anything unusual. We usually opt to just take the money instead…
If you could time travel to any musical era, which one would it be and why? Also, what’s your time-travelling outfit of choice?
SW: Maybe the 80’s because that was when a lot of cool bands emerged. I would wear a fun dress.
MO: The 80’s, for sure.
What’s your band’s guilty pleasure song that always gets played on the tour bus? No judgment here!
HS: Oh god. I honestly don’t play my personal guilty pleasure songs on the aux because I don’t wanna disturb anyone, which is kinda sad, but I have great headphones, so it’s fine.
MO: I feel like I make everyone listen to my guilty pleasure songs, which is probably a lot of Die Antwoord.
SW: I love ‘Lunch’ by Billie Eilish
Who would win in a band-wide game of Mario Kart, and who would be the sore loser?
SW: I would probably lose, but I don’t know if I’d be a sore loser.
HS: I’d probably come in 2nd, and I’d be a sore loser. I feel like it would be Mikaela, Helena, Stella in order from best to worst.
MO: I think I would win, but if I lost, I would probably be a sore loser too.

If you had to create a Hello Mary-themed mocktail, what would it be called, and what would be in it? Get as weird as you want!
SW: Emita XXX, it would have pineapple juice, seltzer, and lime juice
HS: XXX bro 😭 I like that name, but I don’t really like pineapple juice that much. I like cranberry juice, maybe like cranberry juice and lemonade, but I’ve never had that. It might be nasty.
At Unruly Folk, our neurodivergent and queer identities are at the heart of everything we do, and we take pride in celebrating them. How do your personal experiences influence your music and band dynamic?
HM: Being all girls is a cool fact about our band that we are proud of. It has never played a conscious role in our music-making, songwriting, musicianship, etc, but our shared experience as female musicians most likely brings us closer as friends and collaborators.
With ‘Emita Ox‘ dropping soon, what can fans expect from this new chapter of Hello Mary? Any surprises you can tease?
HS: More instruments than just drums bass guitar and vocals.
Are there any upcoming collaborations or projects we should keep an eye out for?
HM: Nothing besides our album at the moment.
Where do you see Hello Mary in the next five years? Any wild dreams or goals you’re aiming for? A dash of world domination?
SW: World domination seems cool, haha. I just hope our music reaches as many people as possible and that we get to keep touring and making music in the future.
HS: I wanna go to Japan.
What’s one question you’d ask our next mystery interviewee(s)?
What’s a question you wish more interviewers would ask, and can you answer it?
Any last words?
Thanks for the interview! See you in the UK 🙂
Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us! Stay unruly, and we’ll see you on tour!
Pre-order Emita Ox here, and get your tickets to catch them live in the UK now.
Hello Mary Tour Dates:
3rd Sept – Brixton Windmill, London (headline)
11th Sept – Rock City, Nottingham (w/ American Football)
12th Sept – Barrowlands, Glasgow (w/ American Football)
13th Sept – SWX, Bristol (w/ American Football)
14th Sept – Roundhouse, London (w/ American Football)